Soar, Loser

When I started writing this, I was going to title it, “Requiem for a Dream,” and then I realized I didn’t know where that came from, only recognizing that it had to have been a title of something. I thought maybe a classical music piece but then Google showed me my error, and the plot line of the novel turned movie gave me perspective. I came to the conclusion that the title was a bit too dramatic seeing that the content would not come close to the sad circumstances following those characters. This is a sort of requiem for a dream, but it isn’t of a futureless future. This requiem holds a celebration for what is to come and a fate avoided more than a dear thing lost.

Like many others through the country and world, I recently was laid off from my all-consuming job due to the strained economy and social distancing in the wake of the corona virus. At first, I felt as if the floor was yanked away from under my feet and I had difficulty grounding myself in reality. That job had been my identity, my social life, my reason for being for 2 years and now there was a void where it used to occupy. “Where do I go now? What do I do? Time to start the job hunt.” Those were not my first thoughts. My first thoughts, when I could actually think about it and not sit there in stunned silence, were “Really? They got rid of me? I’m free?” And while it did hurt to be dumped after all the time and effort, literal blood, sweat, and tears, it also relieved me. I had been on the verge of quitting for the past 3 months, ever since there was a changing of the guard, a reorg, a new boss.

And now I wonder those thoughts, a few months later. I’ve been working on a contract with a great engineer who has become my mentor and had helped me get that job I just lost. But the contract is destined to end in another couple of months, and so I find myself in this old, familiar place of existential dread. Then he helped me come to the conclusion that this doesn’t have to be all that I am. I don’t have to write myself off and put myself in the corner, forced to stick with engineering. Before we had that conversation, I had been pondering the concept: I tried engineering, the closest I thought I would enjoy it. And sure it had it’s glamour, its pleasures. I tested rocket engines and stages, made lots of pretty lights and lots of noise. But still there was that sense of lacking, of less than happiness. And now that I had tried it successfully for a couple of years, I proved to myself that I could do it. Any action after that will not be taken because I thought I couldn’t go down that road. It is no longer an issue of “can” but rather “want.”

My boss-mentor identified that in me. Engineering does not make me excited. I used to feel something about different aspects, I felt some semblance of passion for launching rockets into space. I thought robotics were really cool. And now I can’t seem to enjoy the prospect of actually working on any of those things. My previous work was so demanding and cult-y, I wonder if it didn’t ruin dedication and enthusiasm for me. I had so little to begin with, and I threw it all at that one job.

But I did say this was a sort of celebration, didn’t I? It isn’t all doom and gloom. Recently, I’ve received tons of encouragement from my friends and family (and boss!) to pursue my lifelong dream and goal of publishing a book. I’ve held on to this hope closely since I was a child writing my first short stories with scenes stolen straight from The Matrix and The Fellowship of the Rings. For so long, I cherished the thought that I would at least self-publish, even if no one approved, even if no one read the thing in the end. And now I’m hearing my circle say, “Do it. Write. What are you waiting for?” As if I needed permission, I think to myself, and yet, it’s as if a gate had been closed in front of me and now is opened wide.

My feet stand still before this gate, and I stand there dumbfounded. I should be dashing through while I have the chance, but I find myself rooted in fear. What if I fail? What if I can’t even finish a book? What if I succeed and I do finish it but end up hating the process and find out it is also not for me? It’s the last thing I’ve allowed myself to have in reserve for what I want to do with this life. For all those reasons, there is more pressure on writing than there ever was on engineering. I knew I didn’t really care about engineering going in, but I had been raised to believe that I needed that to be able to support myself. I had that, but in the end, it was not a sure thing to support me like I was led to believe. But I knew that I didn’t have a stake in engineering, and so there was nothing to lose. With writing, I have everything to lose. I care about it, and so if I fall short, I will hurt all the more from that.

It’s a familiar tale. I’m sure you, my reader, have gone through this. We must all struggle against this fear, acknowledge it, embrace it, defeat it, if we are to accomplish bigger and better things than we ever could if we played it safe. And doesn’t that indicate that we’re on the right track? Many of us are quite good at coasting. Isn’t it time for us to soar?

Busy Bee

Hello there, Reader. I’ve been gone a while, haven’t I. I meant to write a post a long time ago, but, well, you know the story. Time eludes us all. I moved out of Alaska for a job, and so I’ve been busy with all that entails. The job is intense and requires a lot of hours. That said, a lot of those hours are spent waiting, at least for me, so here we are.

Everything I do for fun has taken a hit from my new situation; all I seem to do these days is work and watch Netflix. But as I settle in, I should have more mental endurance to do the things I enjoy that take a little more energy than laying around like a beached whale. And one of those things is writing.

I had a bigger vision of this blog when I first started it. I thought I would make it different than those that came before. Do research, provide excellent content, limit my rambling stream of consciousness style. Obviously didn’t happen.

Oh, well. ‘Til next time.

Play by Post Shenanigans

For those of you who like my Shadowbreeze work (which I plan on continuing but I’ve been a busy bee lately), you might be interested in reading or even joining some Play by Post (PbP) games. I’ve recently joined a group on the Paizo website, and you can read our ongoing campaign here. It did just recently start and there are usually at least a few hours between posts, so it is a little slow going currently.

I play a fetchling bard/rogue whose family serves an umbral dragon, the terrible Thraknix. Selena Shadethorn fled her dragon mistress and left the Shadow Plane with the help of her uncle who stayed behind. She now wanders the Material Plane, exploring and never staying in one place for long. She finds herself at a port city called Bloodcove which rests in the roots of a giant mangrove tree. The river Blood meets the ocean nearby, and many an adventurer finds the allure of mysteries and rumored treasure to be discovered upriver irresistible. Few return.

Reflections on Rambling

This will be in the style I used to solely write in, a rambling stream of consciousness type post in which I simply review where I am now in comparison to where I was during the course of my previous blog on wordpress and the change I’ve undergone between then and now.

My previous blog currently sits at double my followers, double my views, and half my visitors as this one. My focus in that blog was mostly on myself and was used to express my concerns and edge-lord persona that is the teenager. I talked about nothing of true substance (although I thought it was the world at the time), nothing was prepared or researched, and there were blocks of time (even nearly a full year) without any posts. So why did it get half the views it did let alone double what I’m currently sitting at on this blog? Maybe I haven’t posted as often as I should. But I have 20 more posts in the past two years of maintaining this blog than I did in the four years of using the other. Maybe blogging in general, wordpress specifically, was more popular back in 2010? No matter. I won’t be writing posts like I used to as a general rule, but I have written a few in a similar fashion already. What can I say, it’s easy.

Rereading previous posts always reveals to me how scared I used to be about every little thing and I tend to think I’ve evolved past that. And then something comes along that makes me nervous and I’m reminded again that I haven’t changed all that much. But I have improved in many areas of my life. I’ve relaxed about many concepts, abandoned other archaic ones, picked up some more productive ideas.

But what about my writing style? Has that really improved?

Not really. My writing style is still mostly the same. What has changed is my standard; I have a higher standard of what I will publish. That isn’t saying much. . . My previous standard was a void that consumed every word, every turn of phrase, every tidbit of knowledge and gave value to all. It was a little scavenger, looking for scraps of entertainment everywhere it could. It was shit. So now instead of shit, I give you. . . garbage! I’m a garbage person.

But every now and then a gem slips through the garbage and even the Honorable Future Me deems it good. I hope that this blog first of all currently strives but secondly continues to provide a filter so that the gems are front and center while the shit and garbage is diluted. No guarantees.

May all our posts be shiny this coming year!

Hero Forge Minis Painted

Hey, just so you know, not dead yet. Also, I finally finished my last hero forge mini from a group I ordered a long time ago  (see post about USPS fiasco). Here they are in all their glory! I feel pretty proud about how well they turned out, mainly because I thought I’d fail miserably.

Feast your eyes on their magnificence! 😉

The Wait

Waiting. Always waiting…

I hate waiting.

I’ve waited all my life; it’s all I’ve done. Waiting to grow up. Waiting to get my degree. Waiting for my career to start. Waiting to find that special someone. Waiting for, well, life to actually begin for me. Why is that? Why is it that I’ve known people who aren’t waiting, have never waited…

When will we get The Defenders, dammit?!

That isn’t what this is about.

Perhaps I should be grateful for the Wait. It gives me time to think. But I feel trapped, fidgety, anxious. Lonely. Too many unknowns, not enough data. The unknown makes me uneasy. I suppose that makes me normal.

Normal, like the Wait, is so boring.

Sup, peeps! Just thought I’d let you know I’m not dead yet. I’ve been hard at work or hardly working the past what feels like forever but was actually just a couple of months. I will likely need another semester to wrap this degree up, and so you get to hear me bitch about it more. I’ve got some entries in the works, but I’ve been stressed over trying to finish my paper by the end of the semester and so I haven’t worked on much else. Now that that is probably screwed over, I may take some time to do my side bullshit. Time will tell. In the meantime, here’s a ferret and a cat.



This is supposedly my last semester of my Master’s degree and thus ever as I will never be convinced to go for a PhD. I may some day take a class in my spare time to help me world-build or just for the fun of it, but I’ll never be a full time student again. Assuming I finish all my work this semester. The task seems so daunting, I really don’t like thinking about it, and yet I can’t escape it either. Every day I look at what I’ve accomplished and what still lies ahead of me and almost pee a little.

And the further down this path of engineering I go, the more I realize I think I chose the wrong way and that the crossroads is so far behind me it would be better to keep trucking on in the vain hope that maybe there’s an intersection up ahead. But the metaphorical road is probably actually an illusion, knowing me, and I’m just wearing blinders. Perhaps there is no road at all, the direction completely up to me where I can go. Who crafted those blinders? Society? My parents? Me? And what would I do with that freedom, if I was aware of its existence? I know what I want to do in life, but getting there and succeeding in it are different matters. And thus the road, or maybe the blinders. It gives me a direction, at the very least, and a promise of a reward which may prove empty but is there nonetheless.

I just want that goddamn carrot and to get away from the whip cracking over my ass.

Featured Image from Death to The Stock Photo’s Patrick Chin

For those of you who may actually be interested in the various topics of which I’ve been writing, I apologize that I haven’t produced much of anything lately. I have recently started on a new writing project in my spare time during which I would normally be writing for this blog. Additionally, I’ve been concerned with moving to a new apartment, working on my Master’s project, and the new semester starting. You may hear even less of me, but I do plan on continuing my work on Shadowbreeze. I hope to have an update on my writing project, but I can’t say much at the moment and I wouldn’t want to spoil anything. 😉

Be assured, I haven’t forgotten you.

The Witcher: A Half-Assed Review for an Older Game

I just finished The Witcher, and here are some of my thoughts on it. First of all, I realize that I started playing it long after the third and most recent game came out, so I know it’s a little outdated. That said, I played the first Neverwinter Nights just before playing Witcher, and one of my favorite facets going into it was seeing all the mechanical similarities that they shared since Witcher runs off of basically the grandchild of the Neverwinter Nights’ engine. And knowing that this game was released about a year after the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, I still think the graphics looked amazing. There was some goofiness as creatures in the distance moved around jitterly, but most graphical and mechanical flaws were minor and things that, unfortunately, can still be found in modern games.

The first chapter was great, not too long, interesting enough, and provided the setting; I thought I was going to thoroughly enjoy this game. And then the second and third and fourth chapters happened. The rest of the game dragged on until the fifth chapter; by the fourth, I felt like the game was more work than fun, and I didn’t even get satisfaction after completing said work. Kill these things, go here and talk to these people. Now run clear across the map back where you were to collect these items. Thankfully, a little bit of teleportation was offered to the player about midway or I think I would have given up.

The fifth chapter was better than the first, so the game was like a shit sandwich where the shit part is draggy and work. I don’t play video games to work. I work so that I can get money to play video games. To anyone who has an abundance of patience, I would recommend playing through the first Witcher game as it was most definitely fun and made up for the bad parts, but if you don’t have patience, don’t bother as you will lose interest and would have wasted your time. And don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed killing monsters and banging broads, and I’m glad I pushed through to finishing the game. But god damn, am I even more glad to be done and moving on.